How to Edit Your Slime Rancher Save File with SRMP Editor
Slime Rancher is a fun and colorful game where you explore a vast open world and collect adorable slimes. But what if you want to customize your experience and change some aspects of your save file? For example, you might want to edit your money, items, gadgets, or even spawn and delete objects in the world. In this article, we will show you how to use a tool called SRMP Editor to edit your Slime Rancher save file easily and safely.
What is SRMP Editor?
SRMP Editor is a small tool that helps you to edit SRMP world data. SRMP stands for Slime Rancher Multiplayer, a mod that lets you play Slime Rancher with your friends online. However, you don't need to have the multiplayer mod installed to use SRMP Editor. You can use it to edit any Slime Rancher save file, whether it's single-player or multiplayer.
slime rancher save editor
SRMP Editor lets you load your save file (world.json) and edit various aspects of it. You can select world or player in the left panel to edit specific objects. An easy interface will open where you can edit stuff. You can also use console commands to spawn and delete items and objects in the world, fly through walls, toggle infinite health and energy, move time forward and backwards, and more.
How to Use SRMP Editor?
To use SRMP Editor, you need to follow these steps:
Download SRMP Editor from this link. You will get a zip file containing the tool and some other files.
Extract the zip file to a folder of your choice.
Find your Slime Rancher save file (world.json) in your game folder. The default location is C:\\Users\\YourName\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Monomi Park\\Slime Rancher\\SRMP\\[world name]\\world.json. You can also find it by using the search function in File Explorer.
Make a backup copy of your save file before editing it. This is very important in case something goes wrong or you want to revert your changes.
Open SRMPEditor.exe and click on File > Load World File. Browse to your save file (world.json) and open it.
The editor will load your save file and show you the world and player data. You can select any object in the left panel and edit its properties in the right panel. For example, you can change your money, keys, items, gadgets, etc.
When you are done editing, click on File > Save World File. The editor will save your changes to your save file (world.json).
Close the editor and launch Slime Rancher. You should see your changes reflected in the game.
Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks for using SRMP Editor:
You can use console commands to do more advanced editing. Press LeftShift+ to open the console. Type \"help srcm\" to get a list of commands. For example, you can use \"spawn gold_slime 5\" to spawn 5 gold slimes in front of you.
You can also use console commands to cheat or debug the game. For example, you can use \"noclip\" to fly through walls, \"godmode\" to toggle infinite health, \"time 12\" to set the time to noon, etc.
You can use SRMP Editor to edit modded items and slots. The editor supports any items added or modified by other mods. However, you need to have the mods installed in order to see them in the editor.
If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions for improving SRMP Editor, you can report them on this page. You can also contact the developer on Discord: tacoguy#6813.
SRMP Editor is a handy tool that lets you edit your Slime Rancher save file with 29c81ba772
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